Do you want your OWN web page? Where you OWN the, and you OWN the Host Server account.
The above and below links are a small sample of what can be included on YOUR web page.
Do you need a WebMaster? Click on "Start your OWN web page".

Gene's Tech TIPS
Just do it and buy a IPhone.

 Gene Capoferri says .....
Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself
"Lillian, you should have remained a virgin."
-- Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter)

Do you want something like this on YOUR web page?
Carousel Slide Show - Mobile Swipe, Desk & Lap Top use the "Dot" nav control (Responsive)
Take a look

Do you need a WebMaster?

Contact Gene Capoferri
Call Home: 610-948-6157, Cell: 610-310-3297 or Email.

Email --- Caution: My spam blocker may block your email, use the QUICK MAIL  Contact Us Send a QUICK MAIL to Gene
Phone: 610-948-6157 Cell: 610-310-3297

October 15th, 2024